President's Message

Mrs María Dolores García Mascarell.

President of the Fundación Universitaria San Antonio.

At the Universidad Católica de Murcia we offer excellent education to all our students, rigorously complying with the strict internal and external quality controls (ANECA). Therefore, we know that our students receive the best training to achieve a qualified job.

Our University has been recognised in prestigious national and international rankings for the excellence of its educational model (CYD, Times Higher Education, QS, FORBES, etc.), in addition to our commitment to promoting employability. This is evidenced by the fact that, according to the University Entrepreneurship Observatory, UCAM students create twice as many companies as the average university students in the country.

Research is a cornerstone of UCAM, pioneer in Spain in implementing Industrial Doctorates, highlighted by the high increase in the publication of scientific articles in the most important international journals.

In addition, UCAM is known as the ‘University of Sport’ in Europe, promoting physical activity among students as a means of improving the spirit of self- improvement and respect towards others.

At UCAM students are offered the added value of personalised attention, with academic and personal tutors as well as promoting teamwork, the aim being that each of our students can get the best out of themselves throughout their academic career. Our belief is that the impact of Christian humanism will make them great men and women at the service of society.


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