Masters in High Performance Sport

Masters in High Performance Sport


On Campus

ECTS Credit


Tuition Fees

9000 Euro


1 Year



Why study High Performance Sport with us?

Masters information

This Master’s Degree in High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning aims to enhance students’ knowledge and experience in Strength and Conditioning. It focuses on developing expertise in strength and fitness training and applies the latest research trends in the field. Our faculty comprises esteemed scientific experts who deliver comprehensive instruction across various disciplines of Strength and Conditioning.

The Master’s Degree in High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning is designed for professionals specializing in strength and fitness training, focusing on the latest research trends in the field. Renowned experts lead classes across various disciplines of Strength and Conditioning.

Admission Requirements:

Upon completion of this degree, you’ll be well-prepared to pursue a range of exciting career opportunities, including:

UCAM emphasises international student mobility, ensuring you gain a global perspective. This international exposure is critical in today’s interconnected world, preparing you to work in diverse environments and understand the global nature of the industry.

UCAM´s Master in High Performance Sports is one of the few graduate programs recognized in the world by NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association). This means that our program is a unique opportunity for students to become the most qualified individuals on the market when it comes to high performance sports. Students have the ability to earn the NSCA-CPT or the NSCA-CSCS credentials, which ultimately opens future doors both professionally and financially for our graduates.

Module Master


ETCSAcademic Term
 I. Research Methodology10.01º

II. Computer and Research Methods in Strength and Conditioning 

III. Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning 4.51º

IV. Exercise Physiology


V. Biomechanics and Movement Analysis 


VI. Program Design as related to Strength and Conditioning


VII. Sport Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids 


VIII. Strength Training and Conditioning in the Elderly

IX. Practicum 6.02º
X. Master’s Thesis 12.02º

Module I. Research Methodology

The rationale for this module is to facilitate all students, some of who may not have the necessary research training, into the world of research methodology. It’ll provide the foundation necessary for students to conduct scientific work.


Module II. Research and Computer Methods in Strength and Conditioning

This module will prepare students on how to apply statistics on variables used in sport science. Students will become familiar on how to treat, analyze and interpret data collected from study experiments. Specifically, students will be able to: compare descriptive statistics, construct and analyze statistical graphs using computer software, calculate probabilities using laws of probability and discrete and continuous probability distributions, estimate parameters with confidence intervals, perform hypothesis tests, create and apply regression models based on experimental data and evaluate published statistical results.


Module III. Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning

This module will cover: neural mechanisms involved in strength and power, recruitment of selective motor units, electromyography, increased firing frequency, total increase recruitment, mechanics involved in muscle strength and power, muscle hypertrophy, muscle fiber type, muscle protein expression, musculoskeletal stiffness, muscle architecture.


Module IV. Exercise Physiology

This module seeks to examine the acute and chronic responses to anaerobic and aerobic training, specifically the endocrinological, biochemical, immunological, molecular and biological adaptations. Additionally, detraining and concurrent strength and endurance training will be studied.


Module V. Biomechanics and Movement Analysis

This module introduces students to the concepts that affect human movement, including the laws of physics, which govern the interaction of the human body with its environment, with particular reference to strength and conditioning exercises. The mechanics of the human body as a machine will be examined in detail.


Module VI. Program Design as related to Strength and Conditioning

This module examines the advanced study of resistance training with specific emphasis on hypertrophy, strength and power. Topics that will be covered include: plyometrics, Olympic lifts and their variants, sport-specific resistance training and power optimization, and the theory and integration of the annual plan in relation to preparation of elite athletes and teams.


Module VII. Sports Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids

This module will review: the classification and function of essential nutrients during exercise, essential elements of an athlete’s diet, ergogenic aids, specific nutritional supply in different sports (e.g., endurance strength, team, combat), and food in special situations.


Module VIII. Strength Training and Conditioning in the Elderly

Module contents include: a) conditional evaluation of the elderly, b) changes in the anatomy and physiology of the organs and systems during the aging process, c) assessments of risk factors for coronary heart disease, other diseases and lifestyle, d) psychological aspects of aging, e) physical activity and its relationship to the diseases of aging, f) gait biomechanics, g) new methods of science-based training, and h) considerations for designing programs for older adults.


Module IX. Practicum

The practicum builds upon and consolidates skills and knowledge acquired from the curriculum. Students further their understanding of theoretical concepts of strength and conditioning by developing and conducting their Master’s thesis project, under the guidance of an advisor in the related field of interest. Much of the weight of the practicum lies in conducting research practices.

Practical experiments are generally performed in the Biomechanics Laboratory, Research Center in High Performance Sport, and UCAM Sports Center. Students can also apply to carry out their practicum at Porto University (Portugal). A minimum 3 months stay is required if students are approved to conduct their practicum at Porto University.


Module X. Master’s Thesis

To obtain the Master’s Degree in High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning, all students must successfully pass the Master’s Thesis (MT). The MT should reflect the knowledge and skills acquired from the curriculum. The MT will be original, unpublished and will address issues related to the practices carried out during the Practicum. Students will publicly present and defend their Master’s thesis. Overall, the MT content and size must be proportional to 12 ECTS (300 hours).


ETCSAcademic Term
 I. Research Methodology10.01º

II. Computer and Research Methods in Strength and Conditioning 

III. Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning 4.51º

IV. Exercise Physiology


V. Biomechanics and Movement Analysis 


VI. Program Design as related to Strength and Conditioning


VII. Sport Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids 


VIII. Strength Training and Conditioning in the Elderly

IX. Practicum 6.02º
X. Master’s Thesis 12.02º
Profile Description

John Doe

Vice President, Student Affairs
Profile Description

John Doe

Vice President, Student Affairs
Profile Description

John Doe

Vice President, Student Affairs
Profile Description

John Doe

Vice President, Student Affairs


The university follows an internal process of constant renewal and accreditation to maintain the most limited quality changes in our educational system.

More information on UCAM Rankings

Verification Dossier



Monitoring Reports and Improvement Plans for the High Performance Sport. Strength and Conditioning Master:

Title Quality Committee

The Commission on the Quality of the Master (CCT) of High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning Master, is dedicated to the revision, updating and improvement of the training programs.

Training outcomes: rates

Fulfillment of the objectives with respect to obtaining the competences of the Master and the values of each indicator. The rates measure the evolution of the values of a set of indicators.

Evaluation and improvement of the quality of the title

The Quality Committee of the Master in High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning (CCT) is aware of its constitution and structure, several actions have been developed to evaluate and improve the Master.

  • Report on the Master of student satisfaction with the title
  • Stakeholder Satisfaction Analysis Procedure (PM 02):
    This procedure aims to ensure that the San Antonio Catholic University (UCAM) has mechanisms in place that allow it to obtain information on the satisfaction of the various interest groups (students, academic staff, administration and services personnel, employers, graduates…) in order to make decisions on improving the quality of the teaching provided.
Internal quality assurance system

The University has an internal Quality Assurance System. For more information click here.

Legislation applicable to the organization of official university studies, general and academic regulations of the San Antonio Catholic University and the official nature of the degree.

We have set up an accreditation mailbox so that any member of the University Community can contact it and make any suggestions or considerations they deem appropriate regarding the Self-Report made by each Degree, which is accessible through its website. You must select the name of the Degree on which you are going to make your comments. The purpose of this initiative is to contribute to the continuous improvement of the title, thus participating in this Accreditation Process.

1. Complaint / Suggestion to the Title. First Instance.

  • BEGINNING: The process begins, at the request of any member of the university community, by inserting the complaint or suggestion in the support platform.
  • INSTRUCTION: The Commission of Quality of the Degree will proceed to the study and evaluation of the same, having a maximum of fifteen working days to issue and transfer a resolution containing, if appropriate, the relevant corrective actions.
  • COMMUNICATION OF THE RESPONSE TO THE USER: Once the resolution has been issued, it will be communicated to the requesting user through the web application where the complaint/suggestion form is filled in, as well as through the e-mail address informed in the same for notifications.


2. Claim before the University Ombudsman. Second Instance.

If the resolution issued by the Commission on the Quality of the Degree does not satisfy the user, through the support platform.

The University Ombudsman, once the information of all parties has been gathered and the applicable regulations have been reviewed, will evaluate the content of the complaint/suggestion presented and will issue, within a maximum period of thirty working days, a resolution that will be sent to the user through the web application designed for this purpose.

Note: Student Care can assist if needed.

Contact through email:

Europe Trip

During the course, students will have the exciting opportunity to participate in an international educational trip to Europe. This trip is designed to let students explore diverse cultures and historical sites, and also enjoy the various tourist attractions. A highlight of the trip will be a visit to our campus in Spain. Here, students will get to experience the campus environment first-hand, attend special sessions, and interact with faculty and peers.

Overall, the trip will last for 3 to 4 weeks, providing ample time for both educational activities and sightseeing.


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